Started December 24, 2007
Last updated May 7, 2024

This page contains some small programs and modules written for Microsoft Windows using the Netwide Assembler (NASM v 0.98.39) as well as a small German Dictionary. The object files can be linked using either PoLink.exe v4.50.0 (Pelles Linker) or GoLink.exe v 0.26.8 ( Jeremy Gordon/GoAsm ). There are some links to ASM sites for Linux but there probably won't be any Linux code here.
Of course you use everything here at your own risk.


Gerdict- An offline German-to-English dictionary.
Download GerDict.exe

As of 10/22/08 only the German-to-English database is ready and it still has fewer than 15,000 entries. The English-to-German database should be ready by Spring 2009. The code is written to run on Win2k and Win98 with no guarantee of any kind. It hasn't been tested on Win95, XP or Vista.


Netwide Assembler

NASM-X v1.4For Windows : Windows package from
NASM-X v1.4 For Linux : Linux package from


GoLink : Jeremy Gordon's Linker (part of his GoAsm project.)

Resource Compilers

GoRc : Jeremy Gordon's Resource Compiler (part of his GoAsm project)

General Assembler Programming Links

Randall Hyde's "Webster" Page
Iczelion's Win32 Assembly Page"

Assembler Forums and Message Board Links

Flat Assembler Message Board


Sample NASM Windows Code

Windows Templates

VA PHOTOS Some Math Trains Slide Rules

Email Me Here
;mcamember May 07, 2024