A Method Of Deriving Cube Roots: Part 1               3Root001.rtf     p1 of 5


This method is illustrated at   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv0FUD7AiI0

Unfortunately, the math tutor is speaking in a foreign language (Hindi?) so my under-

standing is based only on copying down the visual presentation.

Note that unlike most of the math clickbait concerning root extraction, this method can

be made to work for any cube value.


But there are two apparent limitations -

First: This method as demonstrated in the video requires the location of the  nearest

  perfect cube.  This is because the method uses the entire cube value at once rather

  than dividing it into three-digit periods. So without an extensive list of perfect cubes

  the method would appear to be inconvenient at best.

Second: The method has error creep which increases with the distance the problem

 cube is from the perfect cube.


But there is a solution which solves the second issue nicely and that is to repeat the

method as many times as needed using the output of the current pass as input to the

next until the required precision and accuracy is reached. This also allows us to use any

known perfect cube above or below the problem cube.

This file covers the method of finding the nearest perfet cube while the file 3Root002.rtf shows how

perfect cubes based on powers of 10 can be used instead of trying to find or manufacture

the closest perfect cube to the problem value.


Problem:  Extract 3n


Method: 1.) Find the nearest perfect cube (limit) above or below the problem value (n).

   2.) The root of this perfect cube =n1

   3.) Find the difference (diff)  between n and limit. This will be n -limit or limit -n

        depending on whether n is above or below limit;  diff will be a positive


   4.) Calculate   (n1) (diff)  to get the adjustment. (a)

     3 (limit)

   5.) If n > limit then root  =n1+ a

        If n < limit then root  =n1 - a


Example 1: Extract 363        n =63


1.) Nearest perfect cube (above) 43 =64;   limit =64  

2.) n1 =4

3.) diff =64 -63  =1

4.) (n1) (diff)  = (4) (1)    =  4     =0.0208333

 3 (limit)       (3) (64)     192 


 adjustment (a) =0.0208333

5.) n is less than the limit so root =n1- a  =(4.0  - .0208333)  =3.9791666

                363  on a TI-34 =3.979057208




        3Root001.rtf     p2 of 5

Example 2: Extract 363        n =63

In this example the lower perfect cube will be used. The calculations are the same but

the values will be different. This example is only to show you the error creep as diff in-

creases. If perfect cubes are used to solve the problem then  you would always go to

the nearest perfect cube as we did in example 1.

 n =63

 limit =33  =27  (use 33 instead of 43)

 n1 =3

 diff =(63-27) =36


The end calculations are :

 (n1) (diff)  = (3) (36)    = 108   =1.33333333 (a)

 3 (limit)       (3) (27)         81 


 adjustment =1.333333

n is greater than the limit so root =n1 + a  =(3.0 +1.333333)  =4.333333

                363  on a TI-34 =3.979057208

0.354275792 is quite a bit off from 3.979057208. ( 8 percent off actually. )


Discrepancies such as this (and even the tiny one in example 1) can be shaved finer

and finer by modifying the inputs to the method.

One way to do this is by "manufacturing" a cube value (the limit) which isn't a "perfect"

cube but is closer to the problem value n.This is shown in example 2a.

A similar way is to run the sequence again using the cube of the resulting inaccurate root

estimate (n13) as a new limit. In example 2b we'll take the root result above (4.33333) and

cube it to get 81.37018 and use this cube as a new limit. It doesn't need to be a whole

integer like 27 or 64 to be useful as long as we have a reasonably accurate cube root of

the limit.























         3Root001.rtf     p3 of 5


Example 2a: Extract 363         (Start by setting a new lower limit closer to n)


As we saw in example 2, the error creep increases the farther away n is from the

next perfect cube. This is expressed as the diff. In example 1 we had a minimal diff

because we used 43 =64 as the perfect cube with a diff of 1 (64 -63). This was ideal

and the error discrepancy  was very acceptable.

In this contrived example a value for limit will be selected that results in a lower value

for diff than example 2.

The cube of 3.5 is 42.875. This gives us a limit which is closer to 63 than was 27 but

not as close as was 64.




  limit =3.53 =42.875

 n1 =3.5

 diff =(63 -42.875) =20.125


The end calculations are:

 (n1) (diff)  = (3.5) (20.125)    =70.4375   =.547619 (a)

 3 (limit)          (3) (42.875)               81 


 adjustment =.547619


n is greater than the limit so root =n1 + a  =(3.5 +.547619)  =4.047619

                 363  on a TI-34 =3.979057208


Using 33 in example 2 resulted in an over-error of  0.35427 or about 8%

Using 3.53 reduced the error to 0.068561 or about 1.7%

So as limit cube values are made closer to n,  error creep is reduced.




















         3Root001.rtf     p4 of 5


Example 2b. 363   (Repeat the procedure using output values as input for next pass.) 

Example 2 produced a root of 4.333333 which was unacceptably inaccurate. This was

addressed in example 2a by selecting a cube closer to n. In this example we'll take the

resulting (inaccurate) cube root of 4.333333 and cube it to create a new limit of

81.370182. Then we repeat the method using these new values.



  limit =4.333333 =81.370182

 n1 =4.33

 diff =(81.370182 - 63) =18.370182


The end calculations are:

 (n1) (diff)  = (4.33) (18.370182)    =79.542888   =.0.325847 (a)

 3 (limit)          (3) (81.370182)         244.110546


 adjustment =0.325847


n is less than the limit so root =n1 - a  =(4.3333 -0.325847.)  =4.0007153

                    363  on a TI-34 =3.979057208

4.33333 was off by ~8% from 3.979057208

4.0007153 is off by ~0.5% from 3.979057208

Better but still not as good as example 1


Third Pass:


  limit =4.00071533 =64.034340

 n1 =4.00

 diff =(64.034340 - 63) =1.034340


The end calculations are:

 (n1) (diff)  = (4.00) (1.034340)    =4.1373621   =0.0215304

 3 (limit)          (3) (64.034340)       192.16362


 adjustment =0.0215304


n is less than the limit so root =n1 -a  =(4.0007153 -0.0215304)  =3.9792119

                            363  on a TI-34 =3.979057208

4.33333 was off by ~8% from 3.979057208

4.0007153 is off by ~0.5% from 3.979057208

3.9792119 is off by ~0.003% from 3.979057208











         3Root001.rtf     p5 of 5

Fourth Pass:



  limit =3.97921193 =63.00734796

 n1 =3.9793119

 diff =(63.00734796 - 63) =0.007347957


The end calculations are:

 (n1) (diff)  = (3.9792119) (0.007347957)  =0.029239077 = 0.000154686

 3 (limit)          (3) (63.00734796)                 189.0220439


 adjustment =0.000154686


n < limit so root =n1 -a  =(3.9792119 -0.000154686)  =3.979057214

                                 363  on a TI-34 =3.979057208

4.33333 was off by ~8% from 3.979057208

4.0007153 is off by ~0.5% from 3.979057208

3.9792119 is off by ~0.003% from 3.979057208

3.979057214 is off by ~0.0000006% from 3.979057208


All this work for something that's virtually useless. But it was fun.


afk October 18, 2018

afk May 14, 2024


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