A Method Of Deriving Cube Roots: Part 2 3Root002.rtf     p1 of 5


For this method to work it's not necessary to determine the nearest perfect

cube to the problem cube. It's enough to use cubes based on the powers of

ten. One way to know when we're done is to follow the amount of adjustment

after each pass. If the amount is trivial enough that the current value has the

precision we want then we're done.


Problem:  Extract 3n


Method: 1.) Find the nearest perfect cube (limit) to the problem value (n) which

  is a power of ten.

   2.) The root of this perfect cube =n1

   3.) Find the difference (diff)  between n and limit. This will be n -limit or limit -n

        depending on whether n is above or below limit;  diff will be a positive


   4.) Calculate   (n1) (diff)  to get the adjustment. (a)

     3 (limit)

   5.) If n > limit then root  =n1+ a

        If n < limit then root  =n1 - a


The example will derive the cube root of a value which is near the opposite end of the

range of perfect cubes. This will show the error creep move from near maximum in

the beginning to near zero after four passes. A much more sane approach would be

to choose the power of ten below 234567 (1000) because it's much closer to n.


Example : Extract 3√234567        n =234567


Pass 1:


1.) Nearest power-of-ten perfect cube above 234567 is 1,000,000  

     limit =1 000 000

2.) n1 = 31 000 000  =100

3.) diff =(1 000 000) -(234 567) =765433

4.)  (n1) (diff)  =   (100) (765 433)    =76 543 300   =25.51443333 is the adjustment.

       3 (limit)         (3) (1 000 000)        3 000 000                       


 adjustment (a) =25.51443333

5.) n is less than the limit so root =n1- a  =(1 000 000) -(25.51443333) =74.48556667


Without resorting to a calculator or a longhand derivation of the root we don't know

at this point how close we are to an acceptable value. So we'll use the outputs of

pass 1 as inputs into pass 2. We'll assume that the estimated root is still too high

after just one pass so we'll create the new high limit by cubing this estimated root.


Our estimated root of 74.48556667  becomes our new n1

n13   which is 413 256.3457 becomes our new limit

(413 256.3457) -(234567) =178689.3457 becomes our new diff


Now, make another pass.


        3Root002.rtf     p2 of 5

Pass 2:


1.) limit =413 256.3457

2.) n1 =74.48556667

3.) diff =178689.3457

4.)  (n1) (diff)  =   (74.48556667) (178689.3457)    =10.7356909 is the adjustment

       3 (limit)         (3) (413 256.3457)                              


5.) n is less than the limit so root =n1- a  =(74.48556667) -(10.7356909) =63.74987577


Given the large difference in the estimated root between pass one and pass two it

seems we aren't anywhere near a stable value yet. So make another pass.


Pass 3:


Our estimated root of  63.74987577 becomes our new n1

n1 3   which is 259082.4697 becomes our new limit

(259082.4697) -(234567) =24 515.4697 becomes our new diff


1.) limit =259 082.4697

2.) n1 = 63.74987577

3.) diff =24 515.4697

4.)  (n1) (diff)  =   (1 562 858.151)  =2.010 760 194    is the adjustment

       3 (limit)           777 247.4091


5.) . . . root =n1- a  =(63.74987577) -(2.010 760 194)  =61.73911558


This still is a significant drop from the last estimated root so make another pass.




Our estimated root of  61.73911558 becomes our new n1

n1 3   which is 235 332.1224 becomes our new limit

(235 332.1224) -(234567) =765.122401 becomes our new diff


1.) limit =235 332.1224

2.) n1 = 61.73911558

3.) diff =765.122401

4.)  (n1) (diff)  =   47 237.97757 =0.06690966   is the adjustment

       3 (limit)         705.9963672


5.) . . . root =n1- a  =(61.73911558) -(0.06690966) =61.6722059

We had no way of knowing how close we were after pass 3 but because of the

miniscule change after this pass we can conclude that we are very close. The cube

root of 234567 on a calculator shows 61.67213327.

Our last pass shows                           61.6722059.


afk May 16, 2024


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